Une catastrophe fantastique
I et II
Creation: KG Rabot - Gent (Belgium)
27th February 2016 / 21st May 2021

- Concept:Bérengère Bodin
- Coaching team:Bérengère Bodin, Lenneke Rasschaert, Geert Belpaeme, Arno Synaeve
- Creation and interpretation:Io Marievoet, Lina Cox, Marte Moijson, Jeanne De Voogdt, Lieze Morel, Anna Raisa Bondarenko, Sam Van den Brande
- Production:KOPERGIETERY Theaterateliers
- Thanks To:Les Ballets C de la B, Nele Dhaese, Cacao Bleu, Anne-Lore Baeckeland, City of Gent, the team of KOPERGIETERY

- Concept:Bérengère Bodin
- Coaching team:Bérengère Bodin, Lenneke Rasschaert, Arno Synaeve
- Creation and interpretation:Ada Callens, Lina Cox, Nona De Neve, Bente Deseyn, Marte Moijson, Lieze Morel, Nuncia Nijs, Anna Raisa Bondarenko, Sam Van den Brande
- Production:Stad Gent, KOPERGIETERY
- Thanks To:Geert Belpaeme, Les Ballets C de la B, Nele Dhaese, Cacao Bleu, Patrick Delasorte
The title “Une catastrophe fantastique” was taken from a speech given by Polish actor/director Artur Zmijewski, in which he told the stories of an incredible, seemingly impossible encounter that would not have happened unless you caused it.
“Une catastrophe fantastique I” also refers to the clash between eight young girls in confrontation with Wagner’s music? “Une catastrophe fantastique II” was fully taken in charge by the children. How do you feel as an audience when you are challenged by a child?