Met de dood voor ogen
Creation: Muziekgebouw - Amsterdam (Netherlands)
18th September 2011

- Concept and regy:Bérengère Bodin
- Assistant:Sandra Ortega
- Singers and interpretation:Angela Postweiler, sopraan | Jennifer van der Hart, sopraan | Bauwien van der Meer, sopraan | Esther Kuiper, mezzosopraan
- Musicians:Annie Tångberg, cello | Marieke Franssen, basfluit
- Music director:Romain Bischoff
- Actor:Tiemo Wang
- Light:Jeroen Smith
- Music:Luigi Nono
- Production:Silbersee
The music of Nono is a ‘Political’s scream’ in the here and now, still in the daily reality.

Luigi Nono, one of the most important composers of the 20th century, mainly worked from his political and social commitment. Three essential works from Nono created a triptych in which his political commitment forms a
common thread. La fabbrica illuminata is an indictment of the working conditions of steel factory workers in Genoa. Quando stanno morendo is dedicated to Nono’s Polish friends whom resist Jaruzelski’s reign of terror. The touching Djamila Boupachà refers to the Algerian freedom fighter of the same name, who was arrested and tortured by the French army shortly before their independence.