Je suis un palimpseste
et ce n’est pas un animal
Creation: Buda - Kortrijk (Belgium)
26th October 2013

- Concept:Bérengère Bodin, Nicolas Marie
- Creation & dance:Daphné De Deken, Bauke Devlaminck, Marlies D’Hulst, Ine Naessens, Sofie Nuyttens & Julie Vanhuysse
- Artistic assistant:Morena Prats
- Light creation:Nicolas Marie
- Technic:Koen Coulier & Kris Coussement
- Production:Passerelle vzw, Platform voor jonge dans

Two possibilities. Either you have a broad interest in history, or you had never heard of a palimpsest. Well then, a palimpsest is a piece of parchment from which the ink has been washed or scraped away-often to save resources- so that a new text can be written on it. “Multilayered” is about a human being, full of ambiguities. And this is the interest of “Je suis un palimpseste et ce n’est pas un animal!…”.
Beastly!! The newspapers are full of it : are you for or against?… and implicitly we are expected to choose our clan.