Another Sacre
Creation: De Singel - Antwerpen (Belgium)
18th June 2021

- Concept & coaching:Alain Platel, Bérengère Bodin
- Creation and interpretation:Isaac Butler, Raphael Damasceno Ferreira de Moura, Agnese Forlani, Martha Gardner, Fyllenia Grigoriou, Marah Haj, Arnau Moreno i Grau, Oscar López Pascual, Valeria Secchi, Hanne Van Driessche, Meron Verbelen, Flora Virag
- Music:Le Sacre du Printemps, Igor Stravinsky by MusicAeterna – Teodor Currentzis
- Light and stage designer:Sylvia Cuyken
After a year locked in head and body during Covid-19, Alain and Bérengère invited young dancers to unleash the guilty pleasures from their personal dance history to the music: house, crump, tango, ballet, folklore… They created with one goal: to vibrate together. They processed everything that has fuelled their love of dance – including what they thought they had to unlearn.